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I know what page rank web / blog


What is page rank? Page rank is a ranking given by some search engines to web / blog. The better the quality the higher the blog page rank. Quality blog is taken from several criteria, including quality content, design blogs, blog content, blog and other skin. Besides routine blog also counted, the blog is updated frequently, so the higher the page rank.
How do I know the quality of web / blog us? we can use a web that serves to determine page rank. Please try to use the facilities of prchecker you can try here. After you click the link above, then the window will appear as follows:

From the window above, you simply enter the web address / blog alone. Enter the verification data if requested, not until 1 minute, rank your blog page will be displayed. So, what the benefit of page rank? I will give examples of some functions of the function of page rank. Many business programs who request / use the blogs that have a high page rank to install the post of the article. Because of the high page rank, it is likely that visitors are also a lot of pages.
The next article will be sharing about the advantages high page rank in more detail.


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