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Keyboard Error Repair Tips


Ever see the message "Keyboard error or keyboard not Preset" (or similar message) when the computer turned on? at the time the message appears then the computer can not continue booting, because the process will stop. So what should we do to repair the damage?
Well, first we do is analyze the damage is actually located where? The possibilities that occur when the message is:
  1. Connect the keyboard to the motherboard is not true
  2. Keyboard broken
  3. Motherboard problem
3 the possibility that the most experienced. To find out where the problem is the computer, we kalukan stages in the testing of the damage. The first is that we check the keyboard connection with the PS2 port (or USB) if it is correct or not. It's still tight or loose. If you still loose tighten it first. If the above steps did not work, continue with the second stage of analysis.
The second analysis is to try the keyboard is used with other computers that can work normally. If the keyboard is still not able to work on another computer, the keyboard is problematic. Please replace it or if you want to fix can be tried by dismantling the keyboard is then cleaned the inside (In many cases this step successfully). But if the other computer, the keyboard can work normally, then analysis must fall on the third problem
In the case of the 3 motherboard chipsets have problems in the keyboard and mouse controller. There are only 2 roads to the computer to work normally again. The first is to change the keyboard controllers chipset. If not afford it can choose the second alternative, namely to replace the motherboard.
So what can I tell hopefully benefit us all


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1 komentar:
taruhan bola mengatakan...
6 Maret 2013 pukul 20.25  

ini sangat membantu kita dalam trouble shooting keyboard yg hang

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