Dapatkan 200 Juta Lebih Dengan Modal 0 Rupiah
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Bisnis Gratis
bisnis ini memang benar adanya. hanya dengan bergabung dan mengikuti beberapa syarat yang diperlukan, maka anda akan mendapatkan 200 Juta lebih. syarat yang diperlukanpun sangat mudah. Bahkan lebih mudah dari yang kebanyakan orang kira. Yang paling penting adalah ketelatenan dan gencarnya promosi yang kita lakukan. Apa sebenarnya syarat yang diperlukan ?
dengan mengikuti program ini, anda hanya diminta untuk mencari teman dan mengajaknya untuk ikut bergabung. Disini anda hanya diminta untuk mengajak 7 teman saja. Jika sudah mencapat 7, dan ke 7 teman anda juga sudah mendapatkan teman sejumlah itu, maka bersiapkan untuk menghitung 200 juta lebih yang anda terima. Mengapa anda harus mencobanya ? Yah dengan hasil sebanyak itu, siapa yang tidak mau. Kalo toh tidak berhasil, kita gak akan rugi sepeserpun, karena bisnis ini 100% GRATIS. Untuk mengikutinya silahkan klik DISINI GRATIS
Senin, Desember 28, 2009 | 0 Comments
PTC Lokal Dengan Bayaran Tinggi
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Pada artikel sebelumnya telah dijelaskan apa sebenarnya PTC. Jika belum sempat mampir ke artikel sebelumnya silahkan baca terlebih dahulu disini. Setelah paham dengan penjelasan apa itu PTC, maka dalam artikel ini akan dibahas program PTC Lokal apa saja yang berani membayar dengan harga tinggi untuk setiap klik yang dilakukan pengunjung.
Web PTC yang ditampilkan merupakan PTC yang benar-benar membayar kepada membernya (buktinya diambil dari beberapa informasi yang berhasil didapat penulis dari internet).
Berikut daftar PTC lokal yang berani membayar tinggi dan terbukti membayar:
ZUMIN-ADS adalah situs Paid To Click (PTC) Indonesia dimana member mendapatkan Rp. 100,- untuk setiap iklan yang dilihat selama 30 detik dan juga mendapatkan Rp. 50,- per referral klik. Minimum Payout hanya Rp. 100.000,- Pendaftaran sangat mudah dan hanya perlu beberapa detik saja.
silahkan klik gambar dibawah ini untuk bergabung:
Klik Aja Deh
Setiap iklan akan tampil selama 30 detik pada windows/tab baru. Anda akan melihat timer yang menghitung mundur pada sebelah kiri atas. Setelah 30 detik, maka akan muncul sebuah tanda "OKE deh" atau tanda silang merah "X". Tanda "OKE deh" pertanda Saldo Anda telah bertambah Rp 100,- dan jika Anda seorang Member Premium akan mendapatkan Rp 150,-. Tanda X adalah kebalikannya, Saldo Anda tidak bertambah. Tanda X akan tampil jika Anda klik lebih dari 1 iklan pada waktu yang sama sebelum iklan yang Anda klik sebelumnya selesai.
Tertarik ? Silahkan Klik animasi dibawah ini:
situs yang berbasis advertising dimana disediakan layanan pemasangan iklan pada situs. Selain itu dbclix memiliki sejumlah member dimana mereka akan mendapat sejumlah kredit dari iklan yang mereka klik / kunjungi. Tiap Klik 50 untuk iklan biasa dan 25 rupiah untuk iklan mini. Silahkan gabung dengan klik banner dibawah ini untuk menambah penghasilan
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Senin, Desember 28, 2009 | 0 Comments
Dapatkan Uang Hanya Dengan Klik Iklan
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Pernah dengar kata bisnis PTC. PTC merupakan singkatan dari Pay To Click, artinya kita dibayar setiap melakukan klik (Klik iklan yang tersedia). Ya hanya dengan itu, dengan klik iklan kita sudah bisa dibayar. Semakin banyak iklan yang kita klik, maka semakin banyak pula uang yang akan kita dapatkan.
Ini merupakan bisnis yang paling mudah dan paling murah dilakukan. Dikatakan paling mudah karena tidak dibutuhkan keahlian apapun kecuali bisa ngetik dan klik mouse. Selain itu bisnis ini juga bisa dikatakan sebagai bisnis paling murah (bahkan gratis), karena saat join/bergabung dengan situs PTC hanya membutuhkan identitas saja, tidak lebih.
Tiap web PTC menyediakan aturan-aturan yang berbeda, walaupun secara konsep sebenarnya sama. ada bebapa yang berani membayar kita sampai 100 rupiah per klik, tapi ada pula yang hanya berani membayar kita 25 rupiah perklik. semuanya memang merupakan kebijaksanaan dari pengelola web dan pemasang iklan.
jika disimpulkan, ada beberapa keuntungan ketika kita mengikuti program ini, diantaranya:
- Bisnis yang paling murah, bahkan gratis
- Tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus
- Hasil sangat menjanjikan jika kita konsisten
- Hasil bisa melimpah jika kita bisa mencari downline(orang yang diajak ikutan PTC oleh kita)
hasil yang bisa kita dapatkan melalui bisnis ini jika dihitung kasar sebagai berikut:
Rata-rata nilai dari setiap PTC adalah 100 rupiah per klik. Jika dalam sehari melakukan 10 klik, maka penghasilan perharinya adalah 10 x 100 = 1000 rupiah.
Berikut ini ilustrasi penghasilan dari PTC:
1 hari = 10 x 100 = 100 rupiah
1 minggu = 1000 x 7 hari = 7000 rupiah
1 bulan = 1000 x 30 hari = 30000 rupiah
Jumlah 30000 rupiah memang masih kecil, tapi dalam PTC kita bisa mencari downline. Dengan mempunyai downline maka penghasilan downline akan menjadi penghasilan Anda juga. Misalkan Anda mempunyai 20 orang downline, dan masing-masing downline melakukan hal yang sama seperti Anda, maka penghasilan Anda:
1 hari = 10 x 100 x 20 orang = 2000 rupiah
1 minggu = 2000 x 7 hari = 140.000 rupiah
1 bulan = 2000 x 30 hari = 600.000 rupiah
Jumlah 600.000 rupiah adalah hanya dari 1 Website PTC. Jika Anda mengikuti 10 Website PTC, maka penghasilan Anda:
600.000 x 10 = $600 = +- Rp 6.000.000,00
tertarik ? Silahkan lanjutkan keartikel berikutnya yang membahas web PTC
Jumat, Desember 25, 2009 | 1 Comments
Cara Memperkuat Sinyal HP CDMA
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Pengalaman ini benar-benar dialami penulis. Mungkin pembaca sudah pernah menjumpai artikel semacam ini di blog lain. Disini penulis hanya ingin sharing pengalaman saja, siapa tahu bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua. pertama kali saya tergiur dengan iklan Smart (bukan lagi promosi ya) yang menawarkan paket internet lumayan murah. setelah melihat review disana sini akhirnya saya putuskan untuk membelinya.
Setelah hunting kesana kemari, cari toko di dua kota, akhirnya penulis menemukan juga Hp idaman, tapi harganya ternyata tidak sesuai dengan yang diklankan, jauh lebih mahal. tapi berhubung sudah tekad untuk membeli Hp tersebut maka selisih uang tersebut penulis abaikan. sambil di tes, saya juga sempat menanyakan apakah jangkauan sinyal smart sudah sampai ke tempat saya, dijawab oleh penjualnya sudah. maka saya semakin mantap untuk membelinya.
Setelah di tes, dibungkus, dibuatkan nota, dan tentu saja dibayar ke kasir yang lumayan kurang cantik , maka sayapun pulang. Di rumah sayapun langsung mengeluarkan Hp yang baru saya beli tersebut, tapi alangkah kagetnya ketika melihat status bar untuk sinyal blank alias tidak ada sinyal. Saya mulai panik, apa yang harus saya lakukan mengingat Hp tersebut baru saya beli dengan harga yang tidak murah (Bagi kantong saya).
Lemas sudah. Sambil menenangkan diri, saya berusaha berfikir kira-kira apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk hp saya, dikembalikan ke penjual, pasti akan rugi banyak, mending diakali. Kemudian aku telepon ke sohib saya, dikasih solusi pake antena ekternal. Tapi saya gak punya. Maka hari berikutnya saya berusaha mencari antena yang dimaksud, Dan setelah mencari kurang lebih 3 jam, akhirnya dapat juga, harganya lumayan mahal sekitar 50 ribu (apa murah ya ???), kemudian saya pasang, dan apa yang terjadi, hasilnya tetap nihil, alias masih tetap blank. Saat berfikir kembali bagaimana cara membuat agar sinyal Hp saya naik, Hp tersebut saya letakan diruang yang dindingnya terbuat dari seng, dan tanpa sengaja saya melihat ke arah progress sinyal kok ada 1 bar, JALAN KELUAR dah ketemu, saya cari seng untukmembuat antena, setelah jadi saya coba, tapi gimana hasilnya ? ternyata tidak menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan, tetap 1 bar.
Berbekan ilmu yang saya peroleh dulu setelah lulussma, saya cari bahan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengolah sinyal, saya coba pake alumunium. dan ternyata hasilnya lumayan. Kemudian saya putuskan untuk menggunakan bahan alumuniam sebagai antena. Saya cari peralatan yang ada di rumah saya, dan saya menemukan periuk bekas. Setelah diubah sedemikian rupa ternyata hasilnya lumayan, walaupun tidak membuat sinyal menjadi penuh tetapi Hp bisa digunakan untuk modem dan mengakses internet lewat komputer.
Cara yang digunakan untuk membuat antena penguat sinyal CDMA Hp seperti berikut:
- Ambil periuk yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi (agar ibu kita tidak marah, soalnya kalo masih dipakai besok masak nasi pakai apa ?)
- Beri lubang yang agak besar dibagian tengahnya, sebesar kabel antena (saya menggunakan kabel antena TV)
- Jika sudah masukan kabel antena kedalam lubang tadi, kemudian solder bagian kabel yang serabut ke periuk, sedangkan yang bagian kawat biarkan saja, tetapi kupas kulitnya dan kegakkan ke arah depan
- Jika kebel sudah terpasang dengan kuat, pasang periuk tersebut itu ditiang antena, kemudian pasang setinggi-tingginya, tapi tidak perlu sampai 100 meter (He....takut BTS tersaingi ).
- Kalo sudah bagain ujung kabel yang satunya kupas juga, kemudian coba tempelkan kebagian belakang Hp. Tunggu responnya sekitar 5-10 detik, biasanya dalam jangka waktu itu sinyal akan naik jika pembutan antena benar.
Dalam pengalaman ini saya menggunakan bahan dan perlatan sebagai berikut:
- Periuk bekas berukuran kecil
- Kabel antena 75 ohm 10 meter (bekas antena penguat yang dibeli, karena tidak jadi mending dimanfaatkan)
- Tang, palu dan paku
- Bambu untuk tiang penyangga
Demikian yang dapat di sharing, semoga bermanfaat, mohon saran dan kritiknya, Terima Kasih
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Jumat, Desember 25, 2009 | 0 Comments
Cara Mengecek Kondisi Power Suply
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Pernah beli power supply dan ketika di coba di rumah ternyata power supply rusak ??? Pingin hati mau mengembalikan tapi tokonya jauh. Hal ini yang pernah di alami penulis... he... kurang teliti juga dan tergesa-gesa (Mungkin). Disamping harganya yang tidak begitu mahal, mengembalikan power supply juga tentu butuh waktu (malezz juga sich). Jadi mending luangkan waktu Anda sejenak di toko guna mengecek kondisi power supply yang hendak dibeli. Anda tau caranya mengecek kondisi power suply ? Caranya cukup mudah.
Cara Mengetahui kondisi power suply komputer:
- Ambil kawat atau sejenisnya (tinol juga bisa), yang penting kecil dan bisa digunakan untuk menghubungkan antar pin power supply
- Mintalah sejenak waktu pada pelayan toko, dan jangan lupa minta sumber listrik juga, cz ini dibutuhkan untuk mengecek... Kalo gak boleh mending ditinggal aja tuh toko, masa pelit banget , he....
- Kalo dah siap buka kardusnya (kalo di kardusi) abis itu cari kabel warna Ijo ama Item, coba Anda hubungkan, habis dihubungkan jangan lepas konektornya, terus langkah selanjutnya hubungkan power supply itu ke sumber listrik
- Coba perhatikan apakah kipas power supply tersebut berputar, jika YA berarti kondisinya oke dah silahkan nego harga (jika kemahalan ya cari lagi gak pa2, jika Anda enak sama yang punya toko juga)
- Jangan tularkan trik ini ke umum ya, cz masih rahasia perusahaan, ini saya kasih ke anda cz saya kasihan jika harus bolak-balik ke toko hanya untuk menukar power supply
Semoga trik ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca....
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Jumat, Desember 25, 2009 | 1 Comments
More Great Windows XP or Windows Vista
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Comparing these two operating systems are tricky. Such questions (even better Windows XP or Windows Vista) may be equated with the question we are better to eat tempeh or eating out, just the same as having an important role in human life. You know the answer to the title of the excerpt above??, He ...., The author also too dizzy to determine which would be the winner. But Dad was not, his name is also more to learn, would not ya know everything.
The first one I want to highlight, of course, is the lipstick / 2 windows facenya of it (like the girl he ... yes). According to where you pretty? If anyone said that there are abnormalities Xp, he ... ... Beautiful Vista khan? All agree? (yes agree, .... Thank you for your support). But then her face was more beautiful the higher the quality of powder is needed (hardware times). Look at the variety of knick-knacks that Bill Gates input into windows Vista (no live thumbnails, aero, etc) all require considerable hardware specs classy, especially for VGA. To be able to run Vista Aero smoothly least sampeyan use VGA with Pixel Shader 2.0 with 128 MB memory, it said "read me" Vista. What about XP, is an ancient face?.
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Ancient's actually not, but if the 2nd monitor align Xp and Vista so should people choose Vista, because it's yes that's art, the more stylish interface, the more that happy (rich cie designer only). But of course not need tanpilan Xp VGA Pixel shader pake tuh, carrying a minimum resolution of 800 x 600 only easy to use, and of course bozzz speeding. Continued, the conclusion what then? for the first point depends on your tastes, your reply love beautiful view, leave XP right now and look for Vista. Do not use a pirated it? sales pity no one bought, not a little expensive that an important issue you have come to succeed the anti-piracy software.
Hold a second that I want to highlight is the problem of speed work. That need to be highlighted is the product of two tuh run on computers with the same spec, about a fast one?. well people who just know a little computer would be answering any slower Vista, So, what can be inferred, because there is no need to question again? Yes most of you who like a fast computer activity, do not expect Vista pake your desire will be fulfilled. So for those who still pake XP and want the computer to work quickly, do not have to think to move to Vista (I did one), unless you have additional funds for upgrading your hardware to higher ground. But somehow, at the same spec fixed faster Xp.
Continued in terms of price, which is more expensive huh? Yes vista is, a more recent, the new product was cheaper than the old products, rather than funny. Besides Vista is there are so many additional features, so it is not wrong if Vista sold at higher prices. What conclusions hold, then? Yes reply you've got the money not used anymore, mending using vista, after all, the future would be left Xp, Vista users now have already looked at Seven. Unless you like jadul operating system, then use XP (he .... I'm sorry Brooo not joking, but insulting, ... just kidding))).
Let alone keep it? Oh yes another feature, it turns out there's a million additional features compared to XP (One Million?? Loads?? Not, just lip service only). Clearly there are some added features, he said in terms of added security, in addition to the interface that had been discussed at the first point. But yes emang right sie, to connect XP to Vista only (with the default settings) asked this question a bunch of it and so on. Just a lot of security. Conclusions hold for this point what? Yes obviously Vista, the security given good not more want, what already have their own security? for me yes?
Continue on the level with the new software kompetibel was good, the mo use ancient software on, when progress (he .... No insult you know, it is only motivation, he ...). Software producers always make software for the operating system was new. So do not close the possibility of later XP no longer supported by major software makers, rich Adobe, Ulead, Borland, etc.. So put on a vista to be able to always get updates from the software you use. Anything else I forgot, you must have a fairly high hardware so that all the features of Vista can run.
Here I provide the minimum specifications for Vista to run on your computer:
- 1 GHz processor minimum
- Ram 512 MB
- DVD ROM Drive (Instalernya been using DVD media. CD media have been left by Windows Vista and next generation)
- HD 20 GB for system
- VGA supports Pixel Shader 2.0 with 128 MB ram
- Keyboard+mouse
- Monitor of course, of no use to see what will (he ...)
Try now compare with XP that he could walk with hardware specs (but open he said, cz authors also tried, and found it can walk, although slow really):
- Processor 266 MHz
- Ram 64 MB
- HD 1,5 for system
- CD ROM Drive
- VGA with resolution 800 x 600
- Keyboard and mouse
- Monitor
There already know the difference, obviously Vista is more expensive hardware than XP, but if you have more money to buy hardware for mending Vista. So, the conclusion of all what donk?? Turned back to each of us, like that which, the author's own reply frankly like Vista, because ciamik view, a good performance (if the hardware is a good balance), more kompetible with new software, more stable, good security, and of course it is still a long expiration period, and of course there is always a good online updates.
So what can the sharing, may be useful
Kamis, Desember 24, 2009 | 0 Comments
How To Get Celebrities To Blog (Part 1)
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Want your blog famous fast? Why not ask the answer. But how? Actually there are several methods / ways you can try to be quick google indexed, but any way you use still need time to be indexed. Ways that will I have to also be carried out continuously, for any type of activity we performed only once if it will not produce maximum results.
Here are some ways to blog faster we can go to google list:
- Use the ping function.
Apart from congenital ping function of the blog itself, you can use the ping function from the web service provider side, you can try using http://pingomatic.com/ - Link exchange
It aims not only to introduce your blog to another is also a powerful medium to communicate among each other bloggers - Give comments
Neighbors diblog comment is a respect and attention. If this is you often do the owners of your blog comment will also be sympathetic to your blog, and did not rule out going to visit your blog. Use polite language in the comments - Raise the topic of the most hotly
Well, just boil it ...... The most important draw a lot of topics being discussed by people who potentially interesting to read.
Such tricks how to speed up the blog google indexed. Wait following ways. If you please, please leave a message
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Kamis, Desember 24, 2009 | 0 Comments
What do you know about internet business
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General Online Business
Online business is a very promising business. Said to be very promising for this business by following the flow of money can be obtained easily. What is it easy? how to follow it. Before you are expected to follow him to know in advance what the online business.
Maybe now the Business Online again many many you hear, either from relatives or your own reading on the Internet. Well kept online business itself what? whether the business through the line (he .... It is true that means ...), line or through what?
Yes it is true, it's business online business through the line, but more complete / real ISP provider's network through (what else is it?) Yes for the ISP itself will be discussed, well, afraid to reply out of material, he ... the internet so obviously yes ... Lho kok Internet can be used for business? Yes it is, is not possible can not. (if someone else already tried it, if I myself had not, he ... .. may be). Immediately, from the most haha .. hehe ... will not finish.
What is online business?
Online business is a business that all activities can be done through the Internet network. It aims to further facilitate in every way, from the limited space (This business is not needed for the warehouse nyimpen / unless your business is buying and selling cars need a place nyimpen a car), the limitations of distance (make it easier kemunikasi course, the sale of goods would cost 20 aja thousands have traveled 200 km to the seller, he ...), the limitations of bureaucracy (this is the most favorite authors, with only the transfer process only, then check for a moment, send the order, no need to take care of the complicated bureaucratic requirements as will a list of CPNS (prospective employees civil in Indonesia alone).
Online business benefits?
Many online business advantages, including:
On the Internet there are many types of online businesses that offer various kinds of income, ranging from rupiah (Indonesia country's currency) to dollars. So you live choose which one, in love with money or thinking beloved country to get dollars dear, well it was returned to us each. For this type of local businesses still use the money rupiah (although there are also still use the dollar), but for the business from the outside have been using the dollar.
Well now I have to say some kind of online business is now again much loved by the online business:
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Online business is a business that all activities can be done through the Internet network. It aims to further facilitate in every way, from the limited space (This business is not needed for the warehouse nyimpen / unless your business is buying and selling cars need a place nyimpen a car), the limitations of distance (make it easier kemunikasi course, the sale of goods would cost 20 aja thousands have traveled 200 km to the seller, he ...), the limitations of bureaucracy (this is the most favorite authors, with only the transfer process only, then check for a moment, send the order, no need to take care of the complicated bureaucratic requirements as will a list of CPNS (prospective employees civil in Indonesia alone).
Online business benefits?
Many online business advantages, including:
- Income that can get unexpected (such as money may be surprised)
- What really can, ya can. By following a variety of online businesses and with a little creativity we are then we can get a fairly large income. (cie, yes it depends on the follow hockey too)
- The logic of our more mature (wuih, rich cooked wrote), but yes it is true, we follow the online business, our logic will always be sharpened to further increase and increase. Not forced to understand the mechanism, he ....
- Our relationship will further increase. By following a few specific types of online businesses of our colleagues who have the same goal will always increase. (it's hard to make the words)
- Our expertise in understanding the world of the Internet will increase.
- Our hair will fall much, (ha ... ..), what yes? khan yes we are forced to be extra hard in thinking, yes it's not necessarily on the type of shampoo and conditioner is used, your reply would make the brand-name fast hair will not fall out, (how to cover all hair hair anyway) and it's not an advantage yes, quite the contrary, he ....
- That aja deh excess, then mostly, I continued shortcomings in the following materials, Ok all
On the Internet there are many types of online businesses that offer various kinds of income, ranging from rupiah (Indonesia country's currency) to dollars. So you live choose which one, in love with money or thinking beloved country to get dollars dear, well it was returned to us each. For this type of local businesses still use the money rupiah (although there are also still use the dollar), but for the business from the outside have been using the dollar.
Well now I have to say some kind of online business is now again much loved by the online business:
- PPC (Pay Per Click)
This type of online business that is preferred by Internet users, in addition to a fairly simple way, this business is very small risk, even practically zero. - Affiliater / Reseller
It also has a zero risk, aka not at risk, because we only become the reseller of the seller. We get the income derived from the number of successful products we sell. - Product sales
That this reply is quite risky, kalo gak road, it has been our history. Besides we have to rent / buy a domain and hosting (which is the charge quite well lho), we also need to have products that we sell. Early product sales have not got the product ...
Kamis, Desember 24, 2009 | 1 Comments
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