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What do you know about internet business


Online business is a very promising business. Said to be very promising for this business by following the flow of money can be obtained easily. What is it easy? how to follow it. Before you are expected to follow him to know in advance what the online business.

Maybe now the Business Online again many many you hear, either from relatives or your own reading on the Internet. Well kept online business itself what? whether the business through the line (he .... It is true that means ...), line or through what?

Yes it is true, it's business online business through the line, but more complete / real ISP provider's network through (what else is it?) Yes for the ISP itself will be discussed, well, afraid to reply out of material, he ... the internet so obviously yes ... Lho kok Internet can be used for business? Yes it is, is not possible can not. (if someone else already tried it, if I myself had not, he ... .. may be). Immediately, from the most haha .. hehe ... will not finish.

What is online business?
Online business is a business that all activities can be done through the Internet network. It aims to further facilitate in every way, from the limited space (This business is not needed for the warehouse nyimpen / unless your business is buying and selling cars need a place nyimpen a car), the limitations of distance (make it easier kemunikasi course, the sale of goods would cost 20 aja thousands have traveled 200 km to the seller, he ...), the limitations of bureaucracy (this is the most favorite authors, with only the transfer process only, then check for a moment, send the order, no need to take care of the complicated bureaucratic requirements as will a list of CPNS (prospective employees civil in Indonesia alone).

Online business benefits?
Many online business advantages, including:
  1. Income that can get unexpected (such as money may be surprised)
  2. What really can, ya can. By following a variety of online businesses and with a little creativity we are then we can get a fairly large income. (cie, yes it depends on the follow hockey too)
  3. The logic of our more mature (wuih, rich cooked wrote), but yes it is true, we follow the online business, our logic will always be sharpened to further increase and increase. Not forced to understand the mechanism, he ....
  4. Our relationship will further increase. By following a few specific types of online businesses of our colleagues who have the same goal will always increase. (it's hard to make the words)
  5. Our expertise in understanding the world of the Internet will increase.
  6. Our hair will fall much, (ha ... ..), what yes? khan yes we are forced to be extra hard in thinking, yes it's not necessarily on the type of shampoo and conditioner is used, your reply would make the brand-name fast hair will not fall out, (how to cover all hair hair anyway) and it's not an advantage yes, quite the contrary, he ....
  7. That aja deh excess, then mostly, I continued shortcomings in the following materials, Ok all
Popular business types?
On the Internet there are many types of online businesses that offer various kinds of income, ranging from rupiah (Indonesia country's currency) to dollars. So you live choose which one, in love with money or thinking beloved country to get dollars dear, well it was returned to us each. For this type of local businesses still use the money rupiah (although there are also still use the dollar), but for the business from the outside have been using the dollar.
Well now I have to say some kind of online business is now again much loved by the online business:
  1. PPC (Pay Per Click)
    This type of online business that is preferred by Internet users, in addition to a fairly simple way, this business is very small risk, even practically zero.
  2. Affiliater / Reseller
    It also has a zero risk, aka not at risk, because we only become the reseller of the seller. We get the income derived from the number of successful products we sell.
  3. Product sales
    That this reply is quite risky, kalo gak road, it has been our history. Besides we have to rent / buy a domain and hosting (which is the charge quite well lho), we also need to have products that we sell. Early product sales have not got the product ...
His article up here to go, I'll connect again in the next article about a detailed explanation of the above types of online businesses. So hopefully useful


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Anonim mengatakan...
24 Desember 2009 pukul 15.55  

Ini yang aku cari, makasih ya

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