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I know what page rank web / blog


What is page rank? Page rank is a ranking given by some search engines to web / blog. The better the quality the higher the blog page rank. Quality blog is taken from several criteria, including quality content, design blogs, blog content, blog and other skin. Besides routine blog also counted, the blog is updated frequently, so the higher the page rank.
How do I know the quality of web / blog us? we can use a web that serves to determine page rank. Please try to use the facilities of prchecker you can try here. After you click the link above, then the window will appear as follows:

From the window above, you simply enter the web address / blog alone. Enter the verification data if requested, not until 1 minute, rank your blog page will be displayed. So, what the benefit of page rank? I will give examples of some functions of the function of page rank. Many business programs who request / use the blogs that have a high page rank to install the post of the article. Because of the high page rank, it is likely that visitors are also a lot of pages.
The next article will be sharing about the advantages high page rank in more detail.

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Advantages of Windows 7


Ever think of moving to use Vista or 7? there are so many features that you can get if you use a 7? now leave the windows xp, because it was not productive besides, windows xp retail version is not there. Also to be able to take advantage of all emerging technologies, needed a reliable system and new, because almost all new software also supports only the new operating system as well. What are advantages windows 7? continue reading this article

In terms of appearance is very unusual, because it features a very beautiful aero. The presence of trasparant taskbar appearance and the presence of a live preview of the display for thumbnailnya. So do not be surprised if you'd hypnotized after move to windows 7.
Then in terms of hardware resource management capabilities, windows 7 can take advantage of all resources very well. All hardware installed capacity can be utilized all of its full potential. The ability of direct x and graphics can be maximized by very good, because it can use direct x 11 for the latest version.
Then for the network is also no doubt, because the windows system 7 has support 128-bit data encryption, so all the data in your computer need not doubt. Moreover Management was very good network, because it can be used for Management and Management is active directory server
Moreover, the excess windows 7? please wait for the next edition ....

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How to Reduce the heat Processors


The main enemy is the hot computer processor. From here we must be to reduce the heat generated by the processor. It is not much that can be done to reduce processor heat, but at least we can reduce it even though only a few degrees only.

There are some tricks you can try to reduce processor heat, namely:

  1. Use the HSF (heat sink fan) is good. Find a dasarnnya material derived from copper. Copper is a material easy to absorb heat, but also easy to remove heat. Search also the larger size, because of course the amount of heat can be absorbed more.
  2. Use a fan with a large but with slow rotation. The air can be formed with larger big fan, but with a slow rotation would reduce noise from the fan itself. So as much as possible seek to spin slowly, so that noise generated does not disturb your work.
  3. Use the paste between the processor with HSF. This is to eliminate the air stuck between the processor and HSF. The air is a bad conductor of heat, so if there is air in between the processor and the HSF will inhibit the flow of heat. Try to use a good pasta. Most HSF has brought pasta package gray. Quality of pasta is already practically standard.
  4. Do not do overclock the processor and the system if not forced, as this will make the processor more heat, being forced to work beyond the capacity. If you need to lower the frequency, so that the temperature went down.
  5. Use a software that can turn off work when the processor is idle (not working). Lots of software that you can exploit for this purpose, such as rain water. Please look for similar software using google for help.
  6. Place the fan on the system and chassis, its function to remove heat from the computer. Without discarded, the existing heat in the computer will only turn place, and of course will make increasing heat
So will that could be written in this article, hopefully useful, thank you, I'm waiting for comments from the guests of honor.

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Taking the concept of Digital Images Using Camera


Ever seen a digital camera shots of others, but do not want to understand what is expressed in the picture. Taking photos using a digital camera is not only pressing the "Capture", but must be balanced with a selection of objects to be taken.

Not a few people still left the concept. They just take a picture regardless of aspects that must be used. This is also the author had ever experienced. But with continued learning, the author can find little tricks that we take a picture can be seen to have meaning.
Way that is actually quite easy to use, it is important to specify the objects were photographed. That is the point, because with it, the image will have a purpose. The selected object must dominate the shots. If not, then the result will still not have a meaning
If you've found the object to be retrieved (Try to only have 1 main object), then the next step is to practice shooting. The practice of shooting can be done repeatedly, because it will result that will be used terbaiklah. If the results are still not in accordance with the desire, do it again with a different position.
If the image is already done many times, you can analyze the results one by one. Take that you think most easily taken its meaning. The way is easy, if you find it easy to translate the meaning of the image in question, then others will also be easier in analyzing your shots.
So what can disharing, hopefully useful, thank you

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The term in power supply


Before discussing, power supply, we must understand first, what actually is the power supply. Power supply is a device that is in the computer that serves to power the computer mensuply. Power supply can be said is the heart computer. Power supply dead, komputerpun will iktu die, because there is no pumping energy into the computer.

There are some common terms used in the power supply, namely:
Is the term for upper-class power supply. Modular is used to mark the number of connectors used AC. Power supply that uses modular, meaning using the AC plug that has been determined as much by the user. Thus the number of ac power cable adapted to the many needs of the system, (can be added and subtracted), and this of course would be more efficient in the wiring and of course will look more tidy. But the need to record a power supply that has this facility is top class power supply.
PFC (Power Factor Correction)
This term refers to the amount of wasted power into heat. This was inevitable, the power supply would have any kind of hot lead, only difference is, how much power is converted into heat. Nila PFC measured from 0 to 1. Getting closer to the number 1 means the quality of the PFC will be the better, and of course the quality of power supply is also going to get better. Some power supply Active PFC uses a separate circuit that serves to balance the load induction, while some power supply passive PFC longer use that rely on balancing the load capacitor induction. Therefore, the power supply with active PFC more expensive with the usual type.
Dala term power supply is often referred to as pure power. This is because the power supply is not likely to issue a written power of dilabelnya. The higher the puree from the power supply, then all the better quality of power supply, and of course price is also more expensive. For the power supply not included powernya pure numbers usually only has a value of about 50% efficiency only. So, for example power supply with 500 watts of power, then the original power is only about 250-270 watts only. In contrast to the power supply pure numbers written powernya, usually above 85%. That means if there is a written power supply the power of 500 watts, then 85% efficiency value, then the actual real power is around 400 watts. The greater the efficiency of the power supply, the more stable it will also work from the computer, even if forced to work more (eg for the purposes of overclocking).

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Tentang Saya / About Me

Versi Indonesia:

Hai, bagaimana kabar anda hari ini ? Semoga luar biasa ? Sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas kunjungan anda di blog saya yang sederhana ini. Saya hanya ingin berbagi ilmu dengan anda, siapa tahu ada manfaatnya. Perkenalkan nama saya Agus Kiswoyo, lahir didesa dan dibesarkan dalam suasana desa juga. Saya tidak punya keahlian apa-apa kecuali hanya bisa mencoret-coret layar monitor dengan karakter yang berasal dari keyboard.
Blog ini saya persembahkan untuk anda sebagai wahana sharing ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama bidang komputer dan bisnis online. Semoga apa yang tertulis disini bermanfaat bagi anda dan saya mendapatkan pahala dari amal jariyah yang saya lakukan.
Bagi yang ingin mengenal saya lebih jauh, berikut saya cantumkan biodata saya:
Nama: Agus Kiswoyo, TTL: Purbalingga, 16 Agustus 1884, Hobi: Semua hal yang bisa mendatangkan manfaat yang baik-baik, Music: Semua jenis musik, Foto: Menyusul (belum punya kamera digital, he…), Pekerjaan: Untuk sementara masih senang berbagi ilmu dengan teman-teman (anak-anak juga)
Mungkin itu saja dari saya, jika ada yang pingin kenalan lebih jauh dan jauh lagi bisa tinggalkan komentar dibawah atau kirim email ke oxygen_woyo@yahoo.com.

English Version:

Hi, how are you today? May the great? Previously I say many thanks for your visiting my blog this simple. I just wanted to share knowledge with you, who knows any good. Introduce my name Agus Kiswoyo, didesa born and raised in the village atmosphere, too. I do not have any skills but could only scribble on the screen with characters from the keyboard.
I dedicate this blog to you as a vehicle for sharing knowledge and technology, especially computer and online business. Hopefully what is written here useful for you and me get a reward from the charity jariyah I do.
For those who want to know me more, I am following my bios include:
Name: Agus Kiswoyo, TTL: Purbalingga, August 16, 1884, Hobbies: All things that can bring the benefits of the good things, Music: All kinds of music, photo: Following (did not have a digital camera, he ...), Works: For a while still enjoys sharing knowledge with my friends (the kids, too)
Maybe that's all from me, if anyone wants to further contacts and much more can leave a comment below or send an email to oxygen_woyo@yahoo.com.

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Keyboard Error Repair Tips


Ever see the message "Keyboard error or keyboard not Preset" (or similar message) when the computer turned on? at the time the message appears then the computer can not continue booting, because the process will stop. So what should we do to repair the damage?
Well, first we do is analyze the damage is actually located where? The possibilities that occur when the message is:
  1. Connect the keyboard to the motherboard is not true
  2. Keyboard broken
  3. Motherboard problem
3 the possibility that the most experienced. To find out where the problem is the computer, we kalukan stages in the testing of the damage. The first is that we check the keyboard connection with the PS2 port (or USB) if it is correct or not. It's still tight or loose. If you still loose tighten it first. If the above steps did not work, continue with the second stage of analysis.
The second analysis is to try the keyboard is used with other computers that can work normally. If the keyboard is still not able to work on another computer, the keyboard is problematic. Please replace it or if you want to fix can be tried by dismantling the keyboard is then cleaned the inside (In many cases this step successfully). But if the other computer, the keyboard can work normally, then analysis must fall on the third problem
In the case of the 3 motherboard chipsets have problems in the keyboard and mouse controller. There are only 2 roads to the computer to work normally again. The first is to change the keyboard controllers chipset. If not afford it can choose the second alternative, namely to replace the motherboard.
So what can I tell hopefully benefit us all

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Tips Choosing a Motherboard


For a motherboard or computer technicians often abbreviated to mb is not a foreign term. The motherboard is a main circuit board in the computer that serves as a place of all installed computer components, from processors, network cards, sound cards, video cards and so on, so the quality really affect the performance of the motherboard of the computer concerned.
Choosing a motherboard is the case tricky. Easy if you already understand the ins and outs of the motherboard, hard if the first time buying this motherboard board. But is not there a special trick to determine the quality of the motherboard. Relax. In this article will be presented in ways that can be used to select a quality motherboard.
The first step to determine if the motherboard is good or not visible from the layout of the data path. Watch carefully. Notice that there are lines in the motherboard, if the track looks neat and there was no rift in the path or the motherboard itself, it can be said that the motherboard is good condition.
The second step is to see the layout of electronic components installed. The more tenuous means more good. Why is that, because the distance between the components of the air flow will be more smoothly and of course the temperature of the system will be controlled. Besides that, look for the motherboard memory slot that provides more than 2, at least 4 slots, this is to mengantisapasi if at any time will be upgraded RAM. Besides RAM slots, PCI slots also require attention, not to the expansion card will increase, PCI slot is full.
Then the next Langkat note what features are included. The first feature to note is the chipset. Select the type of the latest chipset. Then find that already includes the PCI-e slot for VGAnya connector. Then select which already supports the latest generation of processors, ranging from PSB speed, processor socket used, and other features.
Then the last is for motherboards that use a wide PCB layout. Why do we choose the width? Because obviously with selecting motherboard wide, the feature would have provided more placement of electronic components in addition to the more regular, although not impressed concise. But after installed in the chassis, everything will be closed, others do not know the shape of the motherboard used.
So what can be delivered, hopefully useful, if you please, please leave a message, may in Indonesian and English. Thanks

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Kompulan EBook Binis Online


Sekarang bisnis online merupakan bisnis yang tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Pengahasilakn yang didapat bisa melampaui bisnis konvensional. Tetapi untuk menjalankannya dibutuhkan trik dan metode tertentu. Dan masing masing orang pasti mempunyai bakat untuk menjalankan metode tersebut.

Jika anda ingin berusaha menekuni bisnis online, kemudian menginginkan untuk belajar lebih jauh, silahkan tinggalkan pesan dibawah disertai alamat email anda. Saya akan mengirimkan link yang berisi puluhan ebook bisnis online berbahasa indonesia GRATIS ke email anda.

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The role of computer technology


What is meant by technology? Technology is a working system in which a digital electronic system. This system which will function to run all the commands given by the user. Same computer technology that moves inside a system that runs with user control.
Exactly what role or function of this computer technology owned. The answer is plenty. Let us discuss one by one role that can be done by this computer technology. The first, computer technology serves as a tool to mitigate human work. Just imagine if there were no computers, how a large factory will run, or how people control a bank transaction. With this technology, the plant will be controlled automatically by a computer, the user only mensetingnya only. In addition, for financial transactions running quickly should also be taken over by computers.
Is there still a role other computer. The answer is still. Let's look at the daily work we are involved computer. How do we type and print up a paper document? who did it? her answers are computer, human nature just as a user. The better the user in operating the computer, the better are the results obtained.
Then the field of medicine, computer is used to analyze the diagnosis from the doctor. The results of the diagnosis must be close to 100 percent because it is done by machines. Computer is a very powerful machine and the results are of course very accurate. So mistakes in diagnosis will increasingly be eliminated.
In the field of space has always been to use computer technology in order to obtain valid data from the analysis in space. Try now imagine if there were no computers, how to calculate the distance of Earth humans to the moon, the earth with the sun or other membutugkan a very detailed analysis.
Besides, many areas of computer technology, even hampit all aspects. Try now consider which aspects of computer technology does not require this. Schools use, shop use, traders use, police use, and even elementary school children are now using this technology. So there's no excuse if we do not go using this technology, because it is not possible 10 years in all fields of science will use this technology. So start now learn this technology so that later you do not miss the technology.
So what can be delivered, may be useful for us all. Take advantage of this computer technology that will optimally results also maximal. Good use of this technology and enjoy the results.

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Shooting techniques using a digital camera


You often use digital cameras to capture your moment? Are your shots are up to your liking? Or whether on the contrary, the results generated from your snapshots disappointing? If true you still may not maximize the use of digital camera techniques
Some ways that you apply the bias to maximize the shots, namely:

  1. Bring on the main object will be immortalized
  2. Try as much as possible not to use a magnifying or zooming facility
  3. The condition must be stabilized digital camera when shooting, not to shake, because this will result in blurred images
  4. Shortly after the shooting, still hold the position of the camera, because for some digital cameras need time to process shots, so if mobilized it will blur menyebabkn
  5. Use just enough light, if less will cause the image into dots condition, whereas if too light will cause the condition becomes too white picture
Above technique is a common technique is to be implemented for a digital camera that has a medium-class quality. If the camera is used already in class, some techniques are not necessary because the lack of direct sudh hands by the ability of digital cameras themselves. You're curious, please try to direct practice, and the results bandingkn differences before you use the above techniques.
So what can dismpaikan, may be useful

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How to choose a computer casing


You know what the name casing. Casing is the place installed various computer devices. In case all installed devices, starting from the motherboard, hard drive, cd rom, floppy drive, power supply and so on.
Good casing is in the nature of bias which protects all computer components contained. Nearly equal to the bias function to protect the house occupants from the dangers that come from outside. So we must choose the type of home bias that computer.
Our accuracy in selecting the chassis will make our computers more durable and certainly more manicured. How do we choose? I give the following a few tricks that your bias look at when going to buy a computer casing, including:

  1. Select large casing (or at least adjust the size of the motherboard)
  2. Select a casing which has a good design for air circulation
  3. Good casing made of materials that conduct electricity unbiased. So choose only made of plastic or non-conducting (to avoid konsleting)
  4. Find a casing which has a lot of fans but has a low noise level (usually owned by the casing with a big fan)
  5. Choose a sturdy design casing, (because many of the design casing easily shake)
  6. Choose casing that does not have a power supply. (casing which has a power supply, power suplynya usually not good quality
  7. Find a casing whose price is not too cheap and not too expensive (prices usually bring quality chassis itself)
So what I have to say bias, the bias may be useful for us all

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How to choose Fit Your Computer Hardware Needs


Perhaps many people think that all good computers to meet their needs. Some even think the higher the hardware that is used the better the computer is also used. Yes, it is not one of those views. But it was customized to the needs really are in accordance with each individual? let's see together.
Apparently many are not appropriate when people use a computer that just adjusted to the desire, not necessity. People may think my computer is best used for hardware that most new, but the computer is only used for office purposes only. Is bijaksanan with such conditions?Let us see the shortcomings when using a computer is not in accordance with the requirements (higher specification):

  1. Prices tend to be more expensive when compared with computer prices in accordance with the needs
  2. Many computer resources are not utilized optimally
  3. Maladroit
  4. Waste of electricity (the higher the hardware that is used the more electricity is needed)
But there is one advantage when using higher specification computers, the work will be completed more quickly if the speed of people who do keep up the speed of the computer in question.
How to choose a computer kept in accordance with the requirements? Here I have to say some kind of computer in accordance with the needs, namely:
  1. Computer Office
    This kind of computer system is the lowest computer specifications. Why? Because this type of computer used only for office purposes only, such as typing and so on, so enough office applications are installed. Pentium 3 processor is more than enough, using 10 GB hard drive, operating system Windows XP, and 256 MB of RAM
  2. Computer Multimedia
    This kind of computer system prioritizes large storage capacity, because it expected to save the video file with a minimum duration of 1 hour to capture video. How the image for a multimedia computer hardware. For processors we can choose a standard course, ie Pentium 4, and then try the above RAM 1 GB, DVD Write, and then try to drive a minimum size of 1 TB
  3. Computer Gamer
    This computer is a computer that has the highest specification, particularly on its VGA. Even some VGA is more expensive than the motherboard itself. How to select the hardware? To select a new processor (at the time of posting, Intel processor 7 is king), so you can select it, then to VGA, you can choose at least HD 5970 series from ATI or search for a new course. reply to drive, find the size of about 500GB, it was more than enough.
  4. Computer Server
    It relies on computer storage media and data transfer speed. Also look for processors that cold temperatures work, because this kind of computer system are expected to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To find the amount of disk over 2 TB, can use multiple drives, use a use a SCSI type. to ram just use 1 GB, the type of processor for Mobile or series Xeon (because the temperature does not heat and energy efficient
So that the sharing may be useful. Thanks.

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Internet Business Opportunities


The Internet is a storehouse of money both rupiah and dollar. From the Internet we can make good money as a full-time or just have fun. Various sources of money we can get, from which only the coins to the millions and even billions of rupiah. Continued from which source it?
Lots of good sources of money that the internet locally and abroad. From each of these sources has a few weaknesses and strengths. Here I have to say some of the excess use of money resources from the local:

  1. Easy in terms of the registration
  2. Easy to take care of the payout to your bank account
  3. The existence of the service provider is easy to monitor (because its location is still local)
  4. Having quick access because of its location close to you live
  5. More credible to a local member
But in addition to the above advantages, it was a source of local currency also has several shortcomings, including:
  1. Value of its currency low (unless you are living in the United States)
  2. Difficulty in finding a referral when the country was in a very low monetary value
  3. For a long time to reach the payout if it is country with a low currency value
  4. Have a less good pamor
  5. It's hard to be published if the money is not the nature of the source of global
And what a chance the money could be found using the Internet? The answer is remarkable. If you are observant in memamfaatkan opportunities that the internet was, let alone hundreds of dollars, thousands dolahkan can easily be found within a month, even less, with a record of intelligent and observant you are in taking advantage of opportunities.
So what are you waiting? If you'd like to try please see the post-positng in this blog that talks about internet business, I believe, with reference to this blog you will be able to begin to gain money from the internet, although the new coins, but masalahkan not, coins if dikumpulkanpun will make us a lot of savings so what are you waiting, proceed from now on, and the spirit
So that I can convey as additional materials for your science. Hopefully useful.

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Dapatkan Dolar Dari Upload File


Wah, gampang banget tuh, hanya upload file aja udah dapat dolar. Tapi bentar dulu, Kita baru dibayar jika sadah ada yang download file yang kita upload. Untuk file yang didowload dari IP unik kita akan dibayar sebesar $ 0,001. Coba sekarang bayangkan jika kita punya ribuan file yang bisa kita uploah dan kita sebarkan, wah jadi kaya deh kita...
Ingin mencobanya ? silahkan daftar di Link dibawah ini, Gratis, dan payoutnya baru bisa diambil jika sudah mencapai $10 dan akan langsung ditrasfer ke rekening paypal kita.
Dan jika anda bisa mengajak temen untuk bergabung, anda juga akan mendapatkan komisi. Silahkan dicoba, tidak ada salahnya, dan yang terpenting adalah gratis

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Hosting Gratis, Malah Kita Dibayar


Paket ini benar-benar gratis, kita hanya mendaftar saja, kita sudah bisa mendapatkan hosting sebesar 3000 MB, plus 1 nama domain (buka top level tentunya). Disitu kita bisa membuat website yang kapasitasnya sangat besar tersebut. 
Tapi tunggu dulu, selain kita diberi paket hosting dan domain gratis-tis, ternyata kita akan dibayar jika bisa mengajak teman kita untuk ikut mendaftar dan menggunakan paket hosting ini. Penasaran dimana kita bisa mendapatkan paket seperti itu, silahkan klik link berikut untuk mendaftar.
Free Hosting
Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan paket hosting dan domain plus dolar jika bisa mengajak teman anda. Gabung segera dengan klik banner diatas.

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PTC Dengan Payout Rendah


Dengan membaca judulnya saja sudah ketahuan bahwa disini saya akan menampilkan deretan program bisnis online berupa PTC yang mempunyai nilai payout rendah. Seberapa rendah hasil anda dapat dicairkan ke akun paypal anda ? Ya ada yang menentukan $0,01 sudah bisa payout, ada yang $0,05, dan yang lainnya.
Yang jelas untuk program ini, anda tidak membutuhkan waktu yang terlalu lama untuk bisa payout, apalagi jika anda punya referral, wah bisa tiap gajian dolar tuh.
Apa saja program PTC dengan payout rendah, silahkan klik link dibawah ini, dan panenlah dolar sebanyak-banyaknya.

menawarkan $0.02 per klik iklan dan $ 0,0125 untuk iklan yang diklik oleh referal kita, sangat besar untuk ukuran PTC saat ini. Minimal Payout bebas untuk yang pertama, kemudian yang kedua mimal $ 3, sangat kecil bukan ? silahkan mencobanya untuk banner diatas, kemudian ada lagi PTC yang lain, seperti berikut ini:
yang ini namanya clickpaycash (mmaf tidak ada bannernya), sanggup membayar anda sebesar $ 0,01 untuk anda dan $ 0,01 pula untuk setiap iklan yang diklik oleh referral anda, cukup besar bukan ?

Kalo yang ini, setiap klik anda akan dibayar $ 10 dan$ 5 untuk yang diklik oleh referral anda, sangat besar, dan minimal payout sebesar $ 10.000

PTC yang ini akan membayar anda sebesar $ 1 per iklan dan $ 0,5 untuk iklan yang diklik oleh referral kita

Silahkan ikuti semua PTC diatas, walaupun kecil, jika diikuti semua akan menghasilkan dolar yang lumayan

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