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How to choose a computer casing


You know what the name casing. Casing is the place installed various computer devices. In case all installed devices, starting from the motherboard, hard drive, cd rom, floppy drive, power supply and so on.
Good casing is in the nature of bias which protects all computer components contained. Nearly equal to the bias function to protect the house occupants from the dangers that come from outside. So we must choose the type of home bias that computer.
Our accuracy in selecting the chassis will make our computers more durable and certainly more manicured. How do we choose? I give the following a few tricks that your bias look at when going to buy a computer casing, including:

  1. Select large casing (or at least adjust the size of the motherboard)
  2. Select a casing which has a good design for air circulation
  3. Good casing made of materials that conduct electricity unbiased. So choose only made of plastic or non-conducting (to avoid konsleting)
  4. Find a casing which has a lot of fans but has a low noise level (usually owned by the casing with a big fan)
  5. Choose a sturdy design casing, (because many of the design casing easily shake)
  6. Choose casing that does not have a power supply. (casing which has a power supply, power suplynya usually not good quality
  7. Find a casing whose price is not too cheap and not too expensive (prices usually bring quality chassis itself)
So what I have to say bias, the bias may be useful for us all


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